Testing SSL and TLS with PowerShell

Testing SSL and TLS with PowerShell

This is an excellent PowerShell script if you want to test which SSL and TLS protocols are enabled on your webserver. This is extremely important

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This is an excellent PowerShell script if you want to test which SSL and TLS protocols are enabled on your webserver. This is extremely important due to the inherent vulnerabilities in SSL and TLS version prior to 1.2

function Test-ServerSSLSupport {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[UInt16]$Port = 443
process {
$RetValue = New-Object psobject -Property @{
Host = $HostName
Port = $Port
SSLv2 = $false
SSLv3 = $false
TLSv1_0 = $false
TLSv1_1 = $false
TLSv1_2 = $false
KeyExhange = $null
HashAlgorithm = $null
“ssl2”, “ssl3”, “tls”, “tls11”, “tls12” | %{
$TcpClient = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient
$TcpClient.Connect($RetValue.Host, $RetValue.Port)
$SslStream = New-Object Net.Security.SslStream $TcpClient.GetStream()
$SslStream.ReadTimeout = 15000
$SslStream.WriteTimeout = 15000
try {
$RetValue.KeyExhange = $SslStream.KeyExchangeAlgorithm
$RetValue.HashAlgorithm = $SslStream.HashAlgorithm
$status = $true
} catch {
$status = $false
switch ($_) {
“ssl2” {$RetValue.SSLv2 = $status}
“ssl3” {$RetValue.SSLv3 = $status}
“tls” {$RetValue.TLSv1_0 = $status}
“tls11” {$RetValue.TLSv1_1 = $status}
“tls12” {$RetValue.TLSv1_2 = $status}

# dispose objects to prevent memory leaks
“From “+ $TcpClient.client.LocalEndPoint.address.IPAddressToString +” to $hostname “+ $TcpClient.client.RemoteEndPoint.address.IPAddressToString +’:’+$TcpClient.client.RemoteEndPoint.port
$SslStream |gm |?{$_.MemberType -match ‘Property’}|Select-Object Name |%{$_.Name +’: ‘+ $sslStream.($_.name)}

Test-ServerSSLSupport yourwebserver.com



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