Category: PowerShell Scripts
Identify Hidden Image Files
Often, users with limited technical knowledge may assume that changing the file extension of an image will conceal it, but this is a misconception. Th ...
Managing VMware Snapshots with Powershell
PowerShell script that you can use to list all snapshots on a vServer. This script assumes that you have the necessary permissions and that the Get-Nc ...
Remote Windows Computer Inventory
Here’s a PowerShell script that gathers detailed inventory information from a remote computer. This script retrieves information about the operating s ...
Remove Windows Bloatware
Here is a PowerShell script that can be used to remove unwanted pre-installed apps from Windows.
$MsftBloatApps = @(
Remove unwanted Windows applications
This script uses the Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey class to list all installed programs and their details. The user is then prompted to enter the name o ...
Remove installed Windows Updates
This powershell snippet will search for all installed Windows updates and uninstall them one at a time.
$Session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Up ...
Deprecating TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1
There have been many discussions about TLS, what to enable and what to disable. Here is the bottom line, you only need to disable TLS 1.0, both TLS 1. ...
Wheel of Lunch
No longer do you need to go through the antagonizing ritual of deciding where to eat for lunch! Spin The-Wheel-of-Lunch to find out!
Function Spi ...
Packet Capture with PowerShell
This is a great script written by Robbie Foust from Duke University back in 2007.
NIC Driver MUST support Promiscuous mode!
# get-packet.ps1
# ...
Create Local Administrator Account Remotely
This script can be used to generate a new local administrator account on remote computers (Yes, you have to run it with an account that already ha ...