Moving files up a folder level

Moving files up a folder level

In the past I’ve used this small snippet to move tons of files and folders up a level. <# .SYNOPSIS Moves all subfolders in Source to same

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In the past I’ve used this small snippet to move tons of files and folders up a level.

Moves all subfolders in Source to same-named parent folder in Destination

Current directory is like N:\Folder1\Folder2\
As an example to move all folder and files in “folder2” up under N:\, to be like “N:\Folder2”
$Source = “N:\Folder1\Folder2\”
$destination= “N:”

File Name : MoveUpLevel.ps1
Author : Jeff Holder
Date : 02/21/2018
Requires : PowerShell V3

$source = “N:\myserver\daily\”
$destination = “N:\”
$items = Get-ChildItem $source -Recurse
Foreach ($item in $items){
$folder = Split-path -path $item.directoryname -leaf
Write-Host “Moving File:” $item.FullName
$moveto = $destination+$folder
write-host “Moving to Destination: $moveto”
Move-Item -Path $item.fullname -Destination $moveto -Force
catch {}