Disable Giphy in Microsoft Teams

Disable Giphy in Microsoft Teams

Why disable Giphy? We can take a lesson from two social media giants, Snapchat and Instagram, who both removed Giphy in March of 2018 because of a rac

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Why disable Giphy? We can take a lesson from two social media giants, Snapchat and Instagram, who both removed Giphy in March of 2018 because of a racist GIF that slipped through their content moderation filters.

“Response from Giphy – A user discovered an offensive GIF sticker in our library, and we immediately removed it per our content guidelines. After investigation of the incident, this sticker was available due to a bug in our content moderation filters specifically affecting GIF stickers. We have fixed the bug and have re-moderated all of the GIF stickers in our library. The GIPHY staff is also further reviewing every GIF sticker by hand and should be finished shortly. We take full responsibility for these recent events and sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended.”

This can also happen to your company, allowing employees to send sexual, harassing, or racists GIFs over Microsoft Teams. Here we are going to show you how to disable Giphy.

Connect to Microsoft Teams

First you will need the Microsoft Teams module which is hosted in the PowerShell Gallery (https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/MicrosoftTeams/0.9.1)

#Get Credentials
$cred = Get-Credential
#Establish connection
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $cred
$Teams = Get-Team
Foreach ($team in $Teams)
		Set-TeamFunSettings -GroupId $team.GroupId -AllowGiphy $false -AllowStickersAndMemes $false -AllowCustomMemes $false
		$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
		Write-Host $Team.DisplayName " Failed with error " -ForeGroundcolor Yellow
		Write-Host $ErrorMessage -ForeGroundcolor Yellow
