IP Address Geo-Location

IP Address Geo-Location

PowerShell script that uses a free IP geolocation API (ip-api.com) to get the location of an IP address. Please note that the accuracy of the location

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PowerShell script that uses a free IP geolocation API (ip-api.com) to get the location of an IP address. Please note that the accuracy of the location may vary.

# Define the target IP address
$targetIP = ""

# Send a request to the IP geolocation API
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://ip-api.com/json/$targetIP"

# Print the location information
Write-Output "IP: $($response.query)"
Write-Output "City: $($response.city)"
Write-Output "Region: $($response.regionName)"
Write-Output "Country: $($response.country)"
Write-Output "ZIP: $($response.zip)"
Write-Output "ISP: $($response.isp)"
Write-Output "Lat, Lon: $($response.lat), $($response.lon)"

This script will output the IP address, city, region, country, ZIP code, ISP, and latitude/longitude coordinates of the target IP address. You can replace "" with the IP address you want to look up.

Please note that this script uses a free API, which has some limitations on the number of requests you can make per minute. For a more robust solution, you might want to consider using a paid IP geolocation service.